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Thesis Project

My Final year thesis project looked into the unresolved link between the urban environment and the increased likelihood of developing psychosis, a severe mental condition in which thought and emotions are so affected that contact is lost with external reality. During this project, I took advantage of the creative freedom granted in final year by experimenting with a wide range of creative methodologies including; expressionist art hand drawing, filmmaking, clay model making, Ai text-to-image software and performative dance choreography, in order to research the condition of psychosis. The mix of creative expressions I feel added colour to the design process, culminating in a radical & intriguing design with a high degree of sensitivity and depth which I would never have achieved without the creative exploration. The project is split into 3 distinct parts.

Redesigning an existing apartment complex - Salford Quays
Part 3

The final part of the project seeks to use the research conducted in parts 1 & 2 to redesign an existing 'psychosis-inducing' apartment complex using a self-proposed 'anti-psychosis' form of Architecture; one that aims to mitigate and prevent the development of psychosis in its inhabitants. The final design can be seen as the antithesis of the 'psychosis city' created in part 1.

Redesigning an existing apartment complex - Salford Quays
Part 2

Towards the end of part 1, I begin to spatialise the condition of psychosis, this is developed in part 2 whereby I develop design strategies and theories towards creating an 'anti-psychosis' form of Architecture. Ai text-to-image software acted as a primary methodology as I looked to express a link between emotion and materiality.

Stairs with platforms and no railings.png

Creating a dystopian world 'Psychosis City' - Salford Quays
Part 1

The first part of the project was spent investigating and understanding the condition of psychosis, culminating in the creation of 'psychosis city', a dystopian parallel world in which current psychosis-inducing trends of urban living are extrapolated to the extreme.

Psychosis City Sign Edited copy.png
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