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Healing Psychosis City - Part 2


Salford Quays


Manchester School of Architecture

Research Question

How can Urban Architecture be better designed to mitigate the development of psychosis as opposed to fostering it?




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An extensive and growing body of evidence suggests that urban living contributes to the development of psychosis; However, the mechanisms underlying this phenomenon remain unclear.  This project will attempt to spatialise psychosis within the urban context in order to create a form of architecture which will help mitigate / reduce the development of psychosis in the urban environment. 

During part 2 of this project, I critiqued the existing Abito apartment complex in clippers quay as an ‘enabler’ of psychosis, a place which is likely to contribute to the development of psychosis of its inhabitants.


Throughout S2 I have used a range of creative mediums, primarily Ai, to explore what sort of materiality and spatial atmospheres may counter the condition of psychosis, with the intention of implementing these into a redesigned version of the existing Abito apartment complex, one which is designed to be ‘anti-psychotic’.

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